Saturday, December 22, 2007


So I just renamed my blog from the ever so creative prior title, "Reynolds' Posts." The concept behind the new name, "Packrat Post," highlights the intention of this blog. My experiences and thoughts are like an assembly line, but much of the parts that pass through are lost and forgotten. So I wanted a place where I could both store and share the details of my story. The result was a "post" where I could be a packrat and store up that which I collect. The name also has sources in my roots, as I come from a family of packrats. My grandmother has a four-story barn that she turned into a second-hand store called "The Owl's Barn." My dad has always been an antiques buff, and has a basement-full of used and new instruments. The thing about packrats is they'll keep everything, even if they know they'll never have any use for it. And if you go into their storage pad you'll find yourself saying "Why do you still have this?" or better yet, "What is this?" And that will likely be the case with these posts - some may be completely useless, and I may be embarrassed when I look back at some of my old posts. But every once in a while you will find a treasure amidst the junk, so hopefully this "Packrat Post" will have some gems that may touch others and help me celebrate my lessons and experiences when I look back.

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