Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A New Leaf

"Telling stories" is such a buzzy thing these days, and I affirm it. I've been thinking lately about how neat it is to hear obscure stories of people who recorded their experiences throughout history, and I want I want to tell my story more, to give an account of what's happening in the world around me and how I engage with it. It's an act of sharing. I have mistakenly refrained from posts because I feel like I have to come up with something interesting or because I haven't made the time. But I'm going to start posting more because I think I'm supposed to share.

On a different note, this morning I was thinking that human beings, in that they are made in the image of God, are the clearest picture we have of God. The term "image" in Genesis is meant to invoke the idea of "representation." The other cultures of the Ancient Near East had man-made idols which were their "images" of God, but in the Biblical narrative the "image" is a human being. Thus, human beings are the representatives of God. We have corrupted that image with sin, but Jesus, the new Adam, fully employed what human beings were created to be - Jesus is the ultimate image of God.

In short, when we think of God, we should not think of abstract ideas, but rather we should look our fellow human being in the eyes and see God in them. And since Jesus was not tainted as all other human beings are, we can read about his life and see the "exact representation of His nature" (Heb. 1:3). In Jesus we see God, and everything we were meant to be.

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